FROM THE GRAM: "Freeing yourself was one thing ..."
I never thought I’d be one of those “writing intros for new followers” IG users. But I’ve legit connected with so many new folks in the last couple of months - especially since I’ve started speaking more publicly about: #wellnessstrategies, #communitydevelopment, #selfactualization, and #communalactualization. 🍯
So here’s a few things that might likely matter to you about me. In no particular order. 🥧
I actually sent this quote in a Valentine’s Day card to this girl I was wooing in like 2010. That’s how much of an English Ph.D. Nerd that I am. 🥩 If you ever DM me, our convo will most likely include some miscellaneous food emoji. This caption and your screenshots probably prove that. 🥘 I run a parent company called #HOLIbrands, but I never talk about it because I don’t know where that other image came from on the hashtag and because all I do is talk about and @hellablackbrunchand my wife/business partner @holleymmurchison (who created @oratoryglory, one of the other HOLI. brands). But you can definitely find out everything you need to know about HOLI when you click the link in my bio. 🍦 I am a storyteller and editor at heart. But all that means is that I’m obsessed with the ways creating narrative and then recreating narrative literally builds our individual lives, our communities, our nations, etc. So if you ever work with me I’ll call it something easy to understand like #coaching or #strategy or #digitalmarketing, but we’ll really be discussing how you’re going to stop standing in the way of you becoming the person that is capable of building and living out your dreams. 🥑 I’ve got a dog I really love named @younglulz. She’s got a brother that she really loves named #YoungParkieParks. They both run my entire life. 🥜 Captions like this exhaust me, but I’m mostly here for the #foodemojis so I’ve kind of trapped us both in this thing. 🌻 I thought that last one would end it but I eat sunflower seeds all the time. 🇱🇷 I’m #Liberian. I live in #WSNC, but I used to live in #VA, #Jersey, #Philly(where most of you started following me), + #Oakland (where many of you learned to tolerate my incessant penchant for #change). 👏🏾